Sent: Wed Nov 04 15:54:31 2020
To: Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher
Cc: RODRIGUEZ Myriam * Marcela
Subject: Yaw Partition
Importance: Normal
Hi Dan and Gerald,
Marcela and I have been reviewing the proposed Yaw partition to the south of the Tractor Supply. It looks like they are partitioning the property so that the developable part of the property when it develops there won’t be a requirement to do frontage improvements along the highway where the drainage easement is. From the application it looks like the intent is to give parcel 2 where the storm drainage easement is located to the City of Molalla. The partition plat says “storm drainage easement benefits City of Molalla”. With approval of the partition will parcel 2 become City of Molalla property? It is my understanding that the Tractor Supply development is working with ODOT to acquire the right of way necessary for the culvert extension. If the property becomes city property as part of partition than the property would not need to be acquired for the tractor supply and instead transferred from the city to ODOT. Does that sound correct?
The only comment that ODOT has on the partition will be that an access easement should be provided so that parcel 2 has access to the highway through the private access road for the Tractor Supply.
Comments are due to the city this Friday November 6th. Let me know whether we should discuss this before submitting comments. My schedule is pretty full tomorrow, but I may be available towards the end of the day.
Marah Danielson, Senior Planner
ODOT Development Review Program