From: Jennifer Danziger

Sent: Fri Aug 20 17:46:10 2021

To: Gerald Fisher; Abraham Avi Tayar

Cc: John Odom; Elizabeth Shumaker

Subject: Traffic Scoping Memorandum for Proposed Molalla Dairy Queen

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Molalla DQ Scoping_210820.pdf;


Hi Gerald and Avi,


I've attached our scoping memo for the proposed Dairy Queen on Highway 211. As I noted in the memo, please confirm the following items proposed in this scoping letter are acceptable:


I included a list of in-process development projects that we will include in the study, please let me know if there are others and provide the traffic assignments, if available.

Thanks, Jennifer



Jennifer Danziger, PE


Senior Transportation Engineer



321 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 400 | Portland, OR 97204

Office: 503-248-0313 x327



Offices: Portland, OR | Bend, OR