From: Mac Corthell

Sent: Mon Apr 04 08:27:20 2022

To: 'Glass Doctor of Molalla'

Subject: RE: Entrances

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hi Brett,

I can’t say I appreciate such a compliment, never have sold cars or hustled, just spent most of my adult life as a Marine and Law Enforcement Officer. At the end of the day my personal opinions don’t play into my work for the city, just trying to do my part in giving effect to the master plans your democratically elected officials have adopted for the area. Unfortunately, there is no additional funding to add to the discussion, after all it wouldn’t be a wise use of taxpayer funds. I have noted your rejection of this discussion and will proceed with design accordingly. Thank you for the information and for your time.


Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Community Development Director

City of Molalla

315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone – 503.759.0243

Email –

Website –

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From: Glass Doctor of Molalla <>

Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2022 12:14 AM

To: Mac Corthell <>

Subject: Re: Entrances

Thank you Mac,

You definitely are persistent and landed your job with the city which is a good thing. I am not sure your background however, I think it might be part car salesman and part hustler. That is a compliment. The boldness that you carry along with the attitude of you are going to get your way and then the awwwwee I work for the city chill....Keep it up, however, knowledge is power and the Deardorfs across the street are making their own adjustments to give parking, the gym has plenty, Wither's already has street parking and that is all the businesses in this small block besides us. We have enough parking on our own property for our needs. The 175K that you would like to spend of tax payers money to build a sidewalk on Metzler will do nothing for my property value and that street is not busy enough to need a sidewalk. This pandemic might be fading out, but our budgets have not recovered and therefore a healthy offer for my driveway could possibly get me to change my mind but its going to take quite a bit and then you can use our name and the next door neighbor to convince the next people to close of their main access.

Keep up the good work.... but hold off a bit on my office manager because she also has a bit of ghetto fabulous in her which can see a hustler in a minute.

Have a great day!


From: Mac Corthell <>

Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 12:30 PM

To: <>

Cc: Samih Sadaka <>; Glass Doctor of Molalla <>

Subject: RE: Entrances

Hi Brent,

Thank you for considering it, we'll proceed accordingly with design. I would like to mention one item to you that you can of course file in the round bin, but thought it might be worth mentioning and I'm sure Samih can weigh in on this as well. There is a chance the city will not perform the improvements along your frontage given your decision and there are impacts that you might consider as the property owner.

The proposed improvements will likely carry a fair bump in value for your property due to a diminished improvement cost for any future on-site improvement or redevelopment. For instance, the improvements we are looking at will cost about $175k, which would fall on the property owner if any change in occupancy or improvement/redevelopment occurs and the improvements are not in place. The new streetscape will have on street parking, ornamental lighting, and street trees, making your area less like a highway, and more like a downtown business district. I've attached a cross section of what it would look like. I totally understand your position, respect your rights as a property owner, and know this probably won't change your mind, but just wanted you and your team to have all of the information. Thanks again for your consideration and please let me know if you would like to discuss this in the near future as we will need to move forward with the project asap.

Have a good weekend!


Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Community Development Director

City of Molalla

315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone – 503.759.0243

Email –

Website –

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.

-----Original Message-----

From: Brent Hill <>

Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 11:59 AM

To: Mac Corthell <>

Cc: Samih Sadaka <>;

Subject: Entrances

Good afternoon Mac,

Thank you for stopping by our store today.

I wanted to make sure I weighed my thoughts on blocking off or changing either of our entrances. I contacted my commercial realtor and as suspected this will greatly harm my property worth. Not only will it hurt the value but he has a client that just did this exact thing for the City of Beaverton and it cost that business 40% of his revenue.

As you know the last two years have been particularly tough on small business. I simply can not afford this option.

Again thank you for your inquiry.

Thank you,

Brent Hill

Owner / Operations


503-969-5719 Cell

503-759-5559 Office

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