From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Thu Aug 12 10:59:55 2021
To: Gerald Fisher; Mike Penunuri ; ODOT Region 1 Develoment Review (; Marah Danielson - ODOT (
Cc: Mac Corthell; Julie Larson
Subject: Comments Requested For SDR01-2021 and SUB02-2021
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2021.03.09 - SDR01-2021 - 220 W Main SDR Application.pdf; 2021.08.02 - SDR01-2021 - 220 W Main Street - Partition and SDR Narrative.pdf; 2021.08.02 - SDR01-2021 - 220 W Main Street - Preliminary Plat and Site Plans.pdf; 2021.08.02 - SDR01-2021 - 220 W Main Street TAL_FINAL.pdf; This app is a concurrent review for a Site Design Review and Replat for parcels located at 220 W Main ST and including the following taxlots from tax map 52E08DD: 4300 4400 4500 4600 4701 8700 8800 8900 9000 9100 9200 Staff anticipates bringing this review to our October 6th Planning commission meeting and will need returned comments no later than September 22. Thanks so much! Dan Zinder Associate Planner, City of Molalla 117 N Molalla Ave | PO Box 248 Direct: 503.759.0226 | Office: 503.829.6855