From: TAYAR Abraham * Avi
Sent: Tue Sep 28 12:39:35 2021
To: Dan Zinder; DANIELSON Marah B; BRUMLEY Seth A
Cc: Mac Corthell; Sam Miller; Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: PRE17-2021 - Bank Building on Cascade Center
Importance: Normal
Hi Dan,
Yes, ODOT concurs with City recommendation for a shared access between the bank and the gas station and removal of the eastern access. ODOT support converting the eastern access to an ingress only as well if removal encounters resistance.
Avi Tayar. P.E. | Oregon Department of Transportation | Region 1 | Planning & Research Program | Development Review Engineering Team Lead
123 NW Flanders St | Portland, OR 97209 | (: 503-731-8221 | 7: 503-731-8259 | *:
Work Schedule: M-TH 7:30 AM through 6:00
From: Dan Zinder <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 8:15 AM
To: DANIELSON Marah B <>; TAYAR Abraham * Avi <>; BRUMLEY Seth A <>
Cc: Mac Corthell <>; Sam Miller <>; Gerald Fisher <>
Subject: PRE17-2021 - Bank Building on Cascade Center
This message was sent from outside the organization. Treat attachments, links and requests with caution. Be conscious of the information you share if you respond. |
Good morning ODOT team,
I wanted to touch base prior to the Pre-app meeting this coming Thursday. Our sense is that we covered the bases for this in our discussions prior to the gas station pre-app so we will not need a pre-meeting chat for this one but we would still appreciate your presence at the conference. If there’s anything you would like to discuss prior, please let us know. Cascade Center has not given any definitive answers on the approved east access but we plan to reiterate our first preference to remove the approved east access for a new access between the gas station and bank parcels, second preference for the approved access to be ingress only with the new access as described.
Dan Zinder
Associate Planner, City of Molalla
117 N Molalla Ave | PO Box 248
Direct: 503.759.0226 | Office: 503.829.6855