From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Thu Dec 09 10:09:01 2021

To: A Speakman; R Quigley

Cc: Sam Miller; Andy Peters

Subject: Feedback Requested for Pre-Application Conference (12/16)

Importance: Normal

Attachments: PRE18-2021 - 640 Lakota PRE App.PDF; image001.png;


Hi Dyer team,

The City has a pre-application conference coming up with an applicant wanting to put a new apartment complex on a 2 acre property located along Toliver RD per below. The Applicant proposes 24 units but site constraints may alter that number. We wanted to touch base with you specifically to discuss scoping for the transportation analysis they’ll have to do. The City will require the applicant to determine via MMC 17-3.6.020 A4a whether they require a full TIA or TAL (our guess is likely TAL) for the proposal but we would like to give them feedback on which intersections to analyze.


Our initial sense is that the Toliver/Hwy213, Toliver/Leroy. And Toliver/Molalla Ave, as circled above, would be potential intersections of focus but will await your feedback. The pre-app meeting is on the 16th so will need feedback by Wednesday the 15th.

Thanks so much,

Dan Zinder

Senior Planner, City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave | PO Box 248

Direct: 503.759.0226 | Office: 503.829.6855