Sent: Thu Aug 20 15:25:13 2020
To: Julie Larson; Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller
Cc: Dan Zinder; TAYAR Abraham * Avi; RODRIGUEZ Myriam * Marcela
Subject: RE: PLA02-2020 -- W Main St. Property Line Adjustments
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; Hi Julie, Can you provide an update on where they are in the land use process? Has the city deemed the application complete? Does the city have a comment deadline? It maybe helpful for ODOT to meet with city staff prior to submitting our comments. Thanks, Marah Danielson, Senior Planner ODOT Development Review Program 503.731.8258 From: Julie Larson <> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 10:36 AM To: Gerald Fisher <>;; ODOT_R1_DevRev <>; Sam Miller <> Cc: Dan Zinder <> Subject: PLA02-2020 -- W Main St. Property Line Adjustments Good Morning, Please see the attached property line adjustment application by Stafford Homes on W. Main St. NOTE: This application involves three adjustments. Please “reply all” with comments. Julie Larson City of Molalla | Planning Specialist 117 N Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038 Direct: 503-759-0243 | Office: 503-829-6855 Business Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30