From: Dan Symons
Sent: Fri Jan 29 10:59:55 2021
To: Mac Corthell; Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher
Cc: D. Carter
Subject: River Meadows at the horn
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Mr. Corthell, Mr. Zinder, and Mr. Fisher: Thanks to all of you for the near heroic efforts to get the administrative annexation process processed by City Council Wednesday evening. Even though development specific details weren’t officially on the table at this stage we were present and we listened. Since the ordinance was adopted I am assuming we are clear to move forward with a Preliminary Subdivision application, do you need another Zoning Checklist for this Type III application? I am trying to dial down through the LU Application Checklist and confirm everything we’ll need to be deemed complete:
Is there anything I’ve overlooked?
At the pre-app in June it was stated that a Neighborhood Meeting wasn’t required but recommended. Given the level of concerned testimony I agree that we should try to have a NH Meeting sometime after being deemed complete but before a Staff Report is finalized. Is that proper timing?
Thanks again for your assistance.
Dan Symons
Symons Engineering Consultants, Inc.
phone: 503 760 1353
Integrity & Strength in Design