From: Dan Haga

Sent: Tue Aug 17 10:35:51 2021

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: ' ('

Subject: FW: Molalla Site Traffic Impact Analysis

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 1000 W Main St. ODOT Comments.docx; Molalla Option 8.05.21.pdf;


Hi Gerald,

I inadvertently sent the e-mail below to another jurisdiction (Millersburg – I was working on multiple proposals) yesterday regarding traffic impact analysis applicability and scoping for a proposed multi-family residential development site on OR211 in Molalla. Could you assist me with this, or forward to someone at the City who can? The development proposal is to develop 60 residential multi-family dwelling unit in several 3-story buildings. More details are included below. I sent this to ODOT yesterday too.

Thank You,



Project Engineer



310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477

p_ 541.746.0637 ext. 113


Springfield OR | Albany-Corvallis OR

From: Dan Haga

Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 3:27 PM

To: ' (' <>;

Subject: Molalla Site Traffic Impact Analysis

Avi and Janelle,

I have a site in Molalla on OR211 (ODOT 161) that is proposing to develop 60 attached dwelling units in several 3-Story Buildings. The site is located at: 1000 W. Main Street, Molalla, OR, and is identified as tax lot 01500 of assessor’s map 52E08C. The applicant says that they have met with the City and that ODOT has issued preliminary comments based on the proposal. The approximate mile point stationing is 11.85 of OR 211. Since the current edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual has apartment uses by number of stories, it appears that the proposal to construct three story attached housing units would fall into the Mid-Rise Multi-Family Housing Land Use Category (ITE Code 221). From the ITE 10 web utility, it looks like the development would generate an estimated 326 ADT trips, with 22 average trips during the AM Peak Hour of adjacent Street traffic, and 26 PM trips during the afternoon peak hour of street traffic. Will ODOT (and City of Molalla) require a traffic impact analysis for this proposal? If a TIA is required, can you provide a scope of the analysis that is required? It looks like there is also one single family detached dwelling that is going to be removed with the proposed development, that could reduce the incremental peak hour trip generation increase by one trip. Based on the AADT at the east side of the intersection at OR213 and OR211, it is unlikely that the site’s incremental traffic increase would be greater than the typical day to -day fluctuation in peak or daily traffic approaching volumes, and would be well below the 10 percent threshold identified in the Development Review Guidelines (May 4, 2017 – Section 3.3 “Identifying An Analysis Study Area) to require an analysis of that or other intersections other than the site driveway approach on OR211.

Thank You,



Project Engineer



310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477

p_ 541.746.0637 ext. 113


Springfield OR | Albany-Corvallis OR