From: Zachary Bugg

Sent: Thu Jul 22 13:35:27 2021

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Chris Brehmer; Alice Cannon

Subject: Cascade Center - Multi-Family TIA Scoping

Importance: Normal


Good afternoon Gerald,

We are working with AKS and I&E to prepare a traffic impact study for a proposed multi-family development south of the Cascade Center commercial property on the south side of OR 211 at Leroy Avenue. Following up on the recent pre-app meeting, we wanted to confirm the traffic study assumptions with you all before we move forward with the TIA. Could you please confirm and/or comment on the following?:

We propose to use historical count data collected at these intersections in fall 2018 and apply a 2.5-percent annual growth rate to arrive at 2021 volumes, as well as a seasonal adjustment factor. Could you please confirm the City will accept this approach?


o Cascade Center commercial development (Traffic Impact Analysis dated March 2019 and Addendum dated July 2020)

o Colima Apartments (Traffic Impact Analysis dated November 2019 and Addendum dated January 2020)

Could you please confirm if there are other approved developments that should be included as in-process?


At this time, the team is still finalizing the site plan layout and number of multi-family units, as well as the anticipated build-out year. Please let us know if you will require more detail on these elements beyond what was shared at the pre-app meeting in order to respond to the items above, and we can circle back with the team.

Thank you,


Zachary Bugg, Ph.D, PE

Senior Engineer

Kittelson &Associates, Inc.

Transportation Engineering / Planning
