From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Wed Sep 16 17:03:17 2020

To: Sunny Ratanpal

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller

Subject: FW: 501 E Main Laundromat to C-store

Importance: Normal



I have included initial comments from Public Works and Planning below. As a note – these comments apply to the proposed change of use. Because the date keeps changing, I’ve invited ODOT to submit written comments if that is preferable to them and will pass along their comment if and as they come in.


Dan Z


SDC Calcs - Assuming that the laundromat is 5,500 Sqft:


The (current) laundromat was active when the TSP update was done so those trips were counted and can be credited to the convenience store conversion. However, the trips generated from a C-store have a larger impact to the transportation network than a laundromat which is why the cost of those impacts are so high.

Therefore, the SDC’s to convert the laundromat to a C-store is $821,543. There are no waivers in place for any kind of change in use.


Transportation comments for access will need to come from ODOT


Public Works will need to know if the Applicant intends to reduce the water meter down to a ¾” meter. The current meter is larger and it is more expensive monthly than a ¾”


If the water meter size is reduced, it will also reduce sewer fees.


No proposed changes so no comments.


The proposed project will be a Type III Site Design Review, which means it requires public notice and a hearing in addition to Staff Review. Type III procedures are outlined in Chapter 17-4.1.030 of Molalla Municipal Code.

I’ve included the chapters from Molalla Municipal Code that apply to this project below. As with Public Works comments, ODOT’s comments will dictate the access guidance. We can go over each list item in the meeting but for the most part planning comments will be limited as the existing building and mockup hit most of the criteria.

The mock up that you showed me in the office was helpful. There are requirements for transparency (windows) on each façade as part of section 17-3.2.040 Non-Residential Buildings. I cannot remember if each façade had transparency from what you showed me but one way to work with that is to provide landscaping screening to adjacent uses to the north. That would be a likely requirement. Generally, we’ll want to think about your plans for the entire site as a whole.


Molalla Municipal Code, Title 17, Development Code

Division II, Zoning Regulations

Section 17-2.2.030 Allowed Uses

Section 17-2.2.040 Lot and Development Standards

Division III, Community Design Standards

Section 17-3.2.040 Non-Residential Buildings

Chapter 17-3.3 Access and Circulation,

Chapter 17-3.4 Landscaping, Fences and Walls, Outdoor Lighting,

Chapter 17-3.5 Parking and Loading, and

Chapter 17-3.6 Public Facilities

Division IV, Application Review Procedures and Approval Criteria

Chapter 17-4.1.030 Type III Procedure (Quasi-Judicial Review – Public Hearing)

Dan Zinder
