From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Wed Nov 18 15:34:05 2020
To: ''
Subject: RE: Convenience Store 501 E Main St, Molalla
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 20190301 Cascade Center TIA.pdf; 20191111 Colima Apartments TIA.pdf; 20200131 TIA Addendum #1.pdf; Here is the Cascade Center TIA, Colima Apartment TIA and Colima Addendum. These are the most recent traffic impact analysis reports we have. Regards, Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director City of Molalla 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038 Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. From: <> Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 2:51 PM To: Gerald Fisher <> Subject: Convenience Store 501 E Main St, Molalla Mr. Fisher, I apologize for not making the meeting on time today. The conversation was great and provides me and my client good direction. To get started, will you be able to send me the recent traffic study you mentioned. I beleive it was for the Main/Mollala Ave intersection. Thank you. Daniel Danicic, PE Associated Transportation Engineering & Planning, Inc. 1155 13th St. S.E. Salem, OR. 97302