Sent: Mon Feb 22 11:01:15 2021
Cc: Gerald Fisher; TAYAR Abraham * Avi; RODRIGUEZ Myriam * Marcela; Mac Corthell; jay singh
Subject: RE: 501 E Main St. Project
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 501 MAIN ST - PRELIMINARY PLAN V1.pdf; Good Day everyone. I have completed a preliminary layout of the striping plan for this project for review and comment. It is 11x17 when printed full size. I still need to prepare the Leroy St intersection analysis. Daniel Danicic, PE Associated Transportation Engineering & Planning, Inc. 1155 13th St. S.E. Salem, OR. 97302 -------- Original Message -------- Subject: RE: 501 E Main St. Project From: DANIELSON Marah B <> Date: Thu, January 07, 2021 5:55 pm To: "" <> Cc: Gerald Fisher <>, jay singh <>, TAYAR Abraham * Avi <>, RODRIGUEZ Myriam * Marcela <>, Mac Corthell Hi Daniel, ODOT’s Development Review Transportation Engineering Lead and Region Access Management Engineer have reviewed the traffic analysis that you submitted and we have also received input from the City of Molalla. The left turn warrant is met for the proposed access to the highway and will be required a condition of the State Highway Approach Road Permit. I have attached the cross section that have been adopted by the city as part of their Transportation System Plan. The city has also requested that a signal warrant analysis be done for the intersection at Leroy St. The signal warrant analysis should not include pass by trips. Now that it has been determined that the left turn lane will be required, I recommend that you prepare a preliminary layout based on the city cross section and the ODOT standards in the ODOT Highway Design Manual. Once you have a layout, I will route it for technical review and we can meet to discuss if needed. If you have any questions regarding this technical review please let me know. Marah Danielson, Senior Planner ODOT Development Review Program 503.731.8258 From: <> Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 11:12 AM To: DANIELSON Marah B <> Cc: Gerald Fisher <>; jay singh <> Subject: 501 E Main St. Project This message was sent from outside the organization. Treat attachments, links and requests with caution. Be conscious of the information you share if you respond. Marah, I am taking you up on your offer to review a draft analysis before we make the formal access application. Please let me know your thoughts on our analysis and conclusion. Thank you for your time and guidance. Daniel Danicic, PE Associated Transportation Engineering & Planning, Inc. 1155 13th St. S.E. Salem, OR. 97302