From: Christie Teets

Sent: Wed Apr 06 12:34:09 2022

To: Sam Miller

Subject: FW: Right of Remonstrance - Smelser Homes

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2022-007075 Right of Remonstrance for LID.Smelser Homes.pdf;


Here you go

From: Christie Teets

Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 3:25 PM

To: Sam Miller <>

Cc: Mac Corthell <>; Andy Peters <>

Subject: Right of Remonstrance - Smelser Homes

Good Afternoon,

Attached is a copy of the Right of Remonstrance for Steve Smelser Homes.

Goodies such as these can be located in:

PUBLIC > Easement-Deeds-Annexations-Dedications

There are subfiles for each, and a handy-dandy spreadsheet for simple searching.

