Oregon Records Management Solution

Ordinance Bill No 1971-22, Ordinance 1415


Authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Recorder to enter into a contract with Cornell Construction Co. for the construction of lateral sewers in Hansard Avenue and 9th Street from Harrison Street South a distance of approximately 780'; in Harrison Street from Hansard Avenue East a distance of approximately 480'; from Hansard Avenue East in Blocks 4 and 5 of Mountain View Addition a distance of approximately 700'; from Hansard Avenue East in Block 3 Mountain View Addition a distance of approximately 300'; from 9th Street West in Block 2 of Nichols Addition a distance of approximately 300'; in Rose Street from 11th Street East a distance of approximately 260'; in 2nd Street and South Main Rd from end of existing line a distance of approximately 1,200', according to the plans and specifications; and declaring an emergency