Oregon Records Management Solution

Ordinance Bill No 1954-05, Ordinance 878


Vacation of the following described tract of land to wit: Beginning at the Southest corner of Lot 17, McDaniel's Addition to teh City of Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon, and running thence North along the East line of Lot 17 and Lot 14 in said Addition, to a point South 5' from the Northeast corner of Lot 14, thence East parallel with the South line of Berry Street 5' to a point on the West line of Lot 13, which is South 5' from the Northwest corner of last said lot, thence South along the West line of Lots 13 and 18 in said Addition to the Southwest corner of said Lot 18, thence West 5' to the place of beginning, the same being a pathway dedicated to the public as shown by the plan of McDaniel's Addition now of record in the office of the City Recorder of conveyances for Linn County, Oregon