Oregon Records Management Solution

Ordinance Bill No 1929-14, Ordinance 394


Providing for the Time and Manner of Constructing and Laying on 8" Lateral Sewer on Elmore Street Connecting with the Trunk Sewer at a Point Where the Same Crosses said Elmore Street and Running Thence Easterly Fee, More or Less, to the Alley in block 2, Queen Anne Addition to Lebanon, in Accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Estimates no on File with the City Recorder of the City of Lebanon; Providing how the Cost of Such Improvement Shall be Paid; the Penalty or Damage to the City of Lebanon by the Person or Persons, Making Such Improvement if the Same Shall not be Completed Within the Time Agreed Upon; and the Giving of a Good and Sufficient Bond for the Faithful Performance of Work of Such Improvement, and Providing for the Giving by the City Recorder of said City of Proper Notice for Bids for the Completion of Such Improvement and Providing an Emergency