Oregon Records Management Solution

Ordinance Bill No 1929-01, Ordinance 382A


Authorizing, Empowering and Directing the Mayor and the City Recorder of the City of Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon to Execute and Deliver tot he Crown Willamette Paper Company, a Delaware Corporation, a Special Warranty Deed Containing Covenants of Warranty Against the Acts and Deeds of the Said City of Lebanon, and Granting and Conveying to the said Crown Willamette Paper Company Certain Real Property Now Owned by the Said City of Lebanon and More Particularly Hereinafter Described Beginning at an iron pipe which is set in the Easterly boundary line of the State Highway at a point 145.86' North and 331.32' West of the southeast Corner of Section No. Three(3), in Township Twelve (12) South of Range Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, and from thence running North 165.15' to an iron pipe; thence West 48.15' to an Iron Pipe set in the Easterly Boundary Line of said Highway; thence South 16° 15'; East 172.03' to the place of beginning and containing 0.09 of an acre of land