Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1971-04


A proposition submitted to the legal electors or the City of Lebanon by its Common Council at a special election to be held on April 1, 1971, for a tax in the sum of $186,484. outside the constitutional 6% limitation, for the fiscal tax year 1971-1972 for the purpose or providing funds for the operation and maintenance of departments or the General Fund, the estimated rate or tax necessary therefor being $4.345 per $1,000. of true cash value of all the taxable property within tae City Limits, based on the 1970-1971 assessed valuation A proposition submitted to the legal electors of the City of Lebanon by its Common Council at a special the sum of $7,500. outside the constitutional 6% limitation, for the fiscal tax year 1971-1972 for for the purpose of providing funds for the continuance of ambulance service within the City of Lebanon. the estimated rate of tax necessary therefor being $0.175 per$1,000. of true cash value of all the taxable property within the City Limits. based on the 1970-1971 assessed valuation