Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1949-06


Approving Plans and Specifications for a Drainage District: Beginning at a point of the intersection of the alley South of E Street and West City Limit Line, thence East along the centerline of said alley to the left bank of Lebanon Santiam Canal, thence North and Northeasterly following the left bank of said Canal to an alley 159 feet more or less, East of the East line of Second Street, thence North along the center line of said alley to the middle of Block 1, in the City of Lebanon, thence West along the North side of Lot 7 in Block 1 and North side of Lot 3 in Block 10 of the City of Lebanon, to the center line of the alley East of Third Street, thence North along the center line of said alley to the center of Block 17 in Ralstons Third Addition, thence West along North side of Lot 7 in said Block and said line produced a West to the center line of Southern Pacific R.R., thence North and Northwesterly along the center line of said railroad to a point which is 129 feet North of the North line of Tangent Street, thence Westerly parallel to said street line to the East Line of Boslar Addition when produced South, thence North along said line to the intersection of said line produced. North to Southwest right of way line of Southern Pacific R. R., thence West parallel to the North side of Harrison Street to the West City Limits line, thence South along West City Limit Line to point of beginning.