Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1949-24


Drainage District of the Following Described Area: Beginning at the Intersection of the Center Line of Olive Street and 4th Street, thence South Along the Center line of 4th Street to the Center Line of the S.P. Railroad Track, thence in a Southeasterly Direction along the Center Line of SP Railroad Track to a point 162' North of the Center line of Rose Street, thence East along the North side of Lot 7 and Lot 3, Block 17 Ralstons Third Addition and the North line of Lot 7, Block 16 Ralston's Second Addition to the Center Line of the Alley in Bock 16, Thence worth along the center line of said alley projected to a point due west of the center line of Carolina Street projected, thence East along said center line projected to the center line of Main Street, thence worth along center line of Main Street to a point 230' of Main street and Wheeler Street, thence West on a line parallel to center line of Morton Street projected to the center line of Main Street, thence North along the center line of Main street to the center line of Olive Street, thence West along said center line to the place of beginning