Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1948-12


Drainage District for the Drainage of the following described area: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Park Street with the North line of Grant Street, and running thence East along the North Line of Grant Street on and Santiam Canal; thence following along the West bank of said canal to the Southeast corner of Block 5, Park Addition; thence North along the East line of said Park addition to the south line of Kirkpatrick's Third Addition; thence East along the South line of Kirkpatrick's Third Addition to the Southeast corner of Block 5 of said addition; thence North along East line of said Block 5 to the South line of Isabella Street, thence East along the South line of Isabella Street to the East line of Santiam Street; thence North along the East line of Santiam Street to the City Limits; thence to a North westerly direction along said city limit line, to the North line of Block 4, Kirkpatrick's Third Addition; thence West to the center line of Park Street; thence South along the center line of Park Street to the place of beginning