Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1945-15


Authorizing Purchase from JD Leach for $700.00 real property described as: The North Half of the West Half of the following described premises: Beginning at a point which is East 1236 links distance from the NE corner of Block No. 26, in J. M. Ralston's Addition to Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; running from thence South 554 links to the center of the County Road; thence South 83° 45' East in the same 353 links; thence South 578 links; thence West 352 links to the place of beginning, containing 2 acres in Linn County, State of Oregon; excepting therefrom said County Road, now a portion of Grant Street of said City of Lebanon; Said North Half of the West Half of said premises being one-half acre, more or less