Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1944-01


United States of America, acting through the Federal Public Housing Authority, has tendered a certain easement deed to the City of Lebanon, Oregon, under date of December 2?, 1943, granting an easement for public road purposes over the following described land within the limits of said City, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, of Smith's First Addition to the City of Lebanon; thence running North 0° 21' W. 60 feet to the North boundary of Rose Street and the East boundary of Fifth Street extended, the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 0° 21' W. 711.81 feet to the North boundary line of war housing project ORE-35268; thence South 89° 44' W. along the North line of said war housing project, a distance of 60 feet; thence South 0° 21' E. 711.81 feet to the North boundary of Rose Street; thence North 89° 44' E. 60 feet to the true point of beginning; containing .98019 acres, more or less, all of said described easement being within war housing project ORE-35268 as indicated on the attached plat which is made a part hereof; Except any existing easements within the above described property.