Oregon Records Management Solution

Resolution No 1920-01 - Requiring repair of sidewalk on the West side of 2nd Street


Requiring repair of sidewalk on the West side of 2nd Street and abutting upon Lots 14, 113, 16 17 and 18 in $trawberry Subdivision to Lebanon, in Linn County, Oregon, The said lots owned by Eva F. Ford and Geo. M. Clark, and that the same be repaired within 30 days from the date of posting notices as provided by the charter of said City of Lebanon. A new sidewalk on the South side of "D" Street and abutting on the north side of Lot 14 in Strawberry Subdivision to the City of Lebanon, Oregon, the said lot owned by Eva F. Ford and Geo. M . Clark, and that the same be built and completed within 30 days from the date of posting notices as provided by the Charter of the said city