From: SVETKOVICH Christine
Sent: Thu Sep 07 14:23:26 2017
To: MARTIN Michele
Subject: RE: DEQ's MS4 permit program, rulemaking subgroup meeting Doodle Poll
Importance: Normal
Man thanks Michele!
From: MARTIN Michele
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2017 12:54 PM
To: ''; ''; RUTTEN Tracy; LANDAUER Mark; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; KNUDSEN Matt; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Cc: SVETKOVICH Christine; EMER Lydia
Subject: DEQ's MS4 permit program, rulemaking subgroup meeting Doodle Poll
Dear Water Quality Fee Rulemaking MS4 Subgroup,
Many thanks to each of you for your continued interest and engagement in DEQ’s MS4 permit program.
Per the conversation with or voicemail message from Christine Svetkovich this week, DEQ is convening a subgroup associated with our 2018 Fee Rulemaking to focus on the MS4 fee schedule as it relates to DEQ’s Legislatively Adopted Budget.
Please fill out your availability via this Doodle Poll by Thursday, Sept.14. If you are unavailable to participate though interested, please contact Christine at (503) 229-6991 to determine a replacement to represent your interests or a way to follow-up with you. You can also access the Doodle Poll here:
Shortly after Thursday, Sept. 14, I will send out an outlook calendar invite for the meeting. We will send an agenda and meeting materials prior to the meeting date.
If you are having trouble with the Doodle Poll, please contact me at 503-229-5103.
Thank you,
Michele Martin
Operations and Policy Analyst
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah Street, #600
Portland, OR 97232-4100