From: David Sawyer
Sent: Wed Nov 08 12:25:29 2017
To: MARTIN Michele;; Krista Reininga;; WALCH Therese;; Sagmiller, Elizabeth; Shelley, Loren; STOUDER Matt;; RUTTEN Tracy; KNUDSEN Matt;;; Mike Freese; Stacey Detwiler; Jennie Morgan; LANDAUER Mark
Cc: COUTU Adam; SVETKOVICH Christine; TARNOW Karen E; EMER Lydia; wqfee2018; Gary Tiffin
Subject: RE: MS4 fee increase workgroup follow-up
Importance: Normal
Dear Michele:
Please consider the following comments as a formal response to DEQ’s proposed fee schedule.
The City of Turner will neither support nor PAY any fees that are not backed up by an appropriate Cost of Service Analysis. There are many cities and special districts that could advise DEQ on performing such work.
The City is adamant that any imposed fee on MS4 permit holders should not be used to support activities that have no rational nexus with the services, work load or expenses generated by those same MS4 permits holders, i.e. NO work on new permit holder programs.
David Sawyer, City Administrator
P O Box 456
5255 Chicago Street
Turner, OR 97392
From: MARTIN Michele []
Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 1:30 PM
To: '' <>; 'Krista Reininga' <>; '' <>; 'WALCH Therese' <>; '' <>; 'Sagmiller, Elizabeth' <>; 'Shelley, Loren' <>; 'STOUDER Matt' <>; '' <>; '' <>; RUTTEN Tracy <>; KNUDSEN Matt <>; '' <>; '' <>; 'Mike Freese' <>; 'Stacey Detwiler' <>; 'Jennie Morgan' <>; LANDAUER Mark <>
Cc: COUTU Adam <>; SVETKOVICH Christine <>; TARNOW Karen E <>; EMER Lydia <>; wqfee2018 <>
Subject: MS4 fee increase workgroup follow-up
Dear MS4 Workgroup members,
Thank you for attending the workgroup meeting held Oct. 31, 2017 regarding the MS4 permit fees. Your input is valuable and we appreciate your time. If you would like to provide DEQ with additional written input on the topics covered at the meeting, please email your input to Michele Martin by Tuesday, Nov. 14. We inform you about any future workgroup meetings as necessary.
Additionally, the information below answers three of the inquires we heard at the meeting.
Question: Can DEQ verify, in writing, the fund type and amount for wastewater permitting?
Answer: The table below shows total limitation plus indirect by fund type for the wastewater permitting sub-program in the 2017-19 Legislatively Adopted Budget. Fee revenues currently pay for less than 60% of the cost of the program.
Fund Type
| Total
| Percent
| 1,609,781
| 7%
| 7,171,236
| 33%
| 500,000
| 2%
| 12,782,995
| 58%
Grand Total
| 22,064,012
Question: What is DEQ’s business case for the (final) two positions approved by the Legislature?
Answer: Please see the Program Policy Package that was provided to the Legislature titled: DEQ-WQ-POP120-FINAL, (attached as a PDF).
Question: Are application fees and annual fees paid with the first invoice?
Answer: Yes. Oregon Administrative Rules 340-045-0070 Permit Fees, (1)(a) A person submitting an application for a new NPDES or WPCF permit must submit the amount equal to the new-permit application fee and the first year’s annual fee.
Thank you for your questions. We will contact you in the coming weeks with any next steps for this topic. Please contact Christine directly with any additional questions or comments at any time at (503) 229-6991 or, and Michele Martin with written input.
In earnest,
Michele Martin, MPA
Operations and Policy Analyst
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah Street, #600
Portland, OR 97232-4100