From: Roy IWAI

Sent: Thu Nov 16 15:41:18 2017

To: SVETKOVICH Christine; Ian CANNON; MARTIN Michele

Subject: Multnomah County NPDES Phase permit fee potential increase - MS4 Draft Fee Concept

Importance: Normal

Attachments: MS4 Permit Fee Workgroup-Draft Concept (1).pdf; Multco.NPDES.2017.AnnualReport.Binder.pdf;


Christine -


I'd like to discuss with you the new Draft Concept for Multnomah County's NPDES Phase I permit, as shared by the MS4 Permit Fee Workgroup. I understand the need for the fee increase, and am supportive of having consistently funded DEQ staff to coordinate the NPDES program. The Draft Concept makes logical sense overall, but I'm afraid it doesn't account for anomalous situations like that for Multnomah County. The County's situation is unique, however, and I'd like to share why this is:


Multnomah County's NPDES phase I permit area is unlike any other Phase I community.


A few questions for discussion:



I appreciate your help, and look forward to working closely with DEQ on this issue.


Thank you - Roy



Roy Iwai | (503) 988-0195 | Water Quality Program | Multnomah County Transportation Division | Twitter