From: COUTU Adam

Sent: Fri Jan 18 16:23:58 2019

To: MARTIN Michele; CORNETT George

Subject: RE: 2019 Fiscal Impact Statement

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2019 Wastewater Fee Increase - How Long Fee Sustains.xlsx; 3 percent increase justification_01_11_2019.xlsx;



I spent time this afternoon reviewing, commenting on, and editing the draft FIS in the link below.

In support of my budget data, I prepared the attached workbooks. George, could you please scrutinize my worksheets and let me know if you agree with my conclusions, and/or if you find any flaws in my data or conclusions? These worksheets serve as the basis for our justification of the 2019 3% fee increase so it’s important that they be correct.


Adam Coutu

Operations and Policy Analyst

Office of Policy and Analysis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

(503) 229-6602

From: MARTIN Michele

Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 8:59 AM

To: COUTU Adam <>

Cc: WQFees2019 <>

Subject: 2019 Fiscal Impact Statement

Hi Adam,

I’m emailing a Doodle Poll to Fiscal Advisory Committee members for the 3%, 2019 fee rulemaking. The meeting should be held in February.

Will you have time this month to support the FIS for this meeting? fiscal impact statement.

Thank you,


Michele Martin, MPA

Operations and Policy Analyst

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

700 NE Multnomah Street, #600

Portland, OR 97232-4100
