Oregon Records Management Solution

greenhouse gas eqc staff report


eqc staff report PERMANENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DEQ 5-2019 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 01/24/2019 4:25 PM FILING CAPTION: Greenhouse Gas 2018 Update EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/24/2019 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 01/24/2019 RULES: 340-215-0020, 340-215-0030, 340-215-0040 NOTICE FILED DATE: 10/29/2018 The Environmental Quality Commission approved greenhouse gas reporting rules in 2008 and updated the rules in 2010 and again in 2015 to align more closely with EPA reporting requirements for sources with air quality permits. These rules govern the collection of annual greenhouse gas emissions information from certain facilities, including industrial facilities with air quality permits, wastewater treatment facilities, fossil fuel suppliers, electricity suppliers and large landfills. DEQ proposes the following changes to OAR 340, division number 215 that will: • Clarify language and terms in the rule. • Update the reference to the federal greenhouse gas reporting rule quantification methodology and definitions for use when reporting greenhouse gases. • Provide the program with clear investigative authority to collect information from all entities required to report for the purposes of assessing applicability, verifying or investigating either actual or suspected sources of greenhouse gas emissions or to ascertain compliance or noncompliance with rules in this division.