Oregon Records Management Solution

EQCMinutes20041209 2 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:00:39 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes 12/9/2004 12/10/2004 deq 1-2005 deq 10-2004 deq 11-2004 oregon environmental quality commission december 9, 2004 december 10, 2004 PGE Application for Certification of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation for Pollution Control Facility Tax Credit Denial of Preliminary Certification Application 5009 -- Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Portland General Electric Company Tax Credit Consideration Rule Adoption: Medford-Ashland PM10 Attainment and Maintenance Plan as a revision to the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan (SIP), including supporting rule revisions in Divisions 200, 204, 224, 225, and 240 Portland Area Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan as a revision of the Oregon State Implementation Plan (SIP), including supporting rules OAR 340-200-0040, 340-204-0090, and 340-242-0440 Adoption of Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Rules Director's Transactions for Commission Review Proposed settlement of Northwest Environmental Defense Center et al. v. Oregon EQC et al. pertaining to Confined Animal Feeding Operation program rules and implementation Director's Transactions for Commission Review