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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:00:54 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting DEQ 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 2-5-99 eqc minutes 1/29/99 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING January 29, 1999 A. Informational Item: Oregon Bio-Diversity Project of the Defenders of Wildlife B. Informational Item: Report on the Governor's Budget C. Approval of Minutes 01. Action Item: Waiver for Springcreek Public comment will be taken on evidence previously submitted to the Commission on the request for waiver of the total dissolved gas criterion. 02. Informational Item: Report by NMFS on Total Dissolved Gas E. Rule Adoption: Amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 52, Review of Plans and Specifications to Exempt Certain Projects from Submittal of Engineering Plans and Specifications F. Informational Item: Outstanding Resource Waters Designations G. Informational Item: Community Solutions Team Approach and What It Means for the Department of Environmental Quality H. Action Item: Governor's Water Enhancement Board (GWEB) delegate from the Environmental Quality Commission I. Commissioners' Reports J. Director's Report Notice of Executive Session of the Environmental Quality Commission The Environmental Quality Commission will hold an executive session at 12:00 noon in room 38, 811 SW Sixth, Portland, Oregon. The Commission will be consulting with legal counsel regarding G.A.S.P., et al v. Department of Environmental Quality (Case No. 9708-06159). The executive session is to be held pursuant to ORS 192.600 (1 )(I) and ORS192.660 (1 )(h). The regular meeting of the Environmental Quality Commission will commence at 1 :DO pm. Representatives of the media will not be allowed to report on any of the deliberations during the session.