Oregon Records Management Solution



''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:05 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting DEQ 19-1994, f. 9-6-94, cert. ef. 10-1-94 eqc minutes 8/26/94 REVISED AGENDA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING August 26, 1994 Harris Hall Lane County Public Service Building 125 E. 8th Avenue (corner of 8th & Oak) Eugene, Oregon Friday. August 26. 1994: Regular Meeting beginning at 9:30 a.m. Notes: A. Approval of Minutes B. Approval of Tax Credits C. Air Contaminant Discharge Permit Fee Revision and Proposed Fee Increase for Asbestos Program D. Proposed Adoption of Rule Amendments to Wastewater System Operator Certification Fees and Applications E. Proposed ModifieatioRs to onSite Sewage Disposal Teehnieal and Proeedural Rules F. Proposed Rule on Public Records Access and Reproduction G. Request for EQC Action on Petition for Enhanced I/M Program Fee Increase H. Commissioner Member Reports (Oral) I. Director's Report (Oral)