Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19940509 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:06 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting DEQ 11-1994 (TEMP) , F. & CERT. EF. 5-10-94 DEQ 12-1994 (TEMP) , F. & CERT. EF. 5-16-94; DEQ 16-1994 (TEMP) , F. & CERT. EF. 7-21-94 DEQ 17-1994 (TEMP ), F. & CERT. EF. 7-26-94] eqc minutes 5/9/94 PUBLIC NOTICE Special Emergency Telephone Conference Call Meeting ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Monday, May 9, 1994 3:00 p.m. The Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) will hold an emergency meeting by telephone conference call for the purpose of considering adoption of an emergency rule to temporarily suspend the applicability of Oregon's water quality standard for Total Dissolved Gas on the Columbia River to allow spilling of water at dams to facilitate downstream migration of salmon smolts. The public can attend the conference call at the following location: Office of the Director Department of Environmental Quality Offices 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204