Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19930422 Minutes 1 of 2
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:08 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eq cmeeting eqc minutes 4/22/93 OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION - - OREGON LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - ;~ •. i_ ,. - OREGON TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION - April 22, 1993 - 6:00-9:00 PM bu<;rlitylnn 330_1 Markel SHNE Salem '· .?bro· ;, '''ql~· i,';. -AGENDA- 'i. ·'Honorary Chairman Mike Hollern l ' Introduction of Governor Roberts Duncan Wyse, Benchmarks Setting the Stage (3 directors) Commission Discussion Summarize Discussion Wrap-up and Adjourn Social. Half Hour Dinner Introduction of participants and purpose of meeting. Present award. Governor ackn'owledges the good work of of all three commissions, but there is more to do. There is a need for their interaction in ·these difficult times when all of government needs to work toward common solutions A presentation of benchmarks and Oregonian values to define statewide a(ld national issues and values that bring the three commissions together to achieve a common result Introductory discussion of common objectives the three departments are working on and a definition of where we want to be in 1 O to 15 years from now The facilitator, Chairman Hollern, involves the three commissions in a discussion focused on how we are going to get where we want to be in the next ten years 'Chairman Blosser concludes and summarizes discussion that has occurred by the commissioners Chairman Hollern