Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19921211 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:09 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting DEQ 30-1992, f. & cert. ef. 12-18-92 DEQ 29-1992, f. & cert. ef. 12-17-92 eqc minutes december 10, 1992 12/11/92 12/10/92 environmental quality commission Proposed Amendments to Definitions and to Permit Fee Schedule for Wastewater Disposal Permits Agenda Item H, December 11, 1992, EQC Meeting Proposal to Amend the EQC Bond Resolution Adopted in September 1991 to Include Approval for Use of Bond Proceeds for State Revolving Fund Match. Agenda Item I, December 11, 1992, EQC Meeting Request by the city of McMinnville for: 1. Approval of an alternative design criterion to that specified by the dilution rule OAR 340-41- 455 (l) (f)]. 2. Permitted Mass Load Increase during the winter period pursuant to OAR 340-41-026. 3. Extension of the date for upgrading sewerage facilities to meet the total maximum daily load (TMDL) for the Yamhill River OAR 340-41-470 ( 4)]. Agenda Item J, December 11, 1992 EQC Meeting Anodizing Inc. request for a New Source Review rule variance Agenda Item K, December 10, 1992 EQC Meeting Recommendations of the State's Task Force on Motor Vehicle Emission Reductions in the Portland Area Agenda Item D, December 11, 1992 EQC Meeting Rule Adoption: "Lender Liability Rule" (Rule Exempting Lenders, ORS Chapter 709 Trust Companies Acting as Fiduciaries, and Governmental Entities Involuntarily Acquiring Property from Cleanup Liability) Agenda Item F, Decembe~~992 EQC Meeting Proposed Amendments to Definitions and to Permit Fee Schedule for Wastewater Disposal Permits.