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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:14 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 27-1991, f. & cert. ef. 11-29-91 DEQ 26-1991, f. & cert. ef. 11-14-91 DEQ 30-1991, F. & CERT. EF. 12-20-91 DEQ 20-1991, F. & CERT. EF. 11-13-91 DEQ 21-1991, f. & cert. ef. 11-13-91 DEQ 24-1991, f. & cert. ef. 11-13-91 eqc minutes november 7, 1991 11/7/91 11/8/91 State of Oregon ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AGENDA WORK SESSION -- November 7, 1991 Smullin Center - Lecture Hall 2 (on the Rogue Valley Medical Center Campus) 2825 Barnett Road Medford, Oregon 4:00 p.m. 1. Continuation of Work Session Discussion of Proposed Rules for Mining Operations using Chemicals to Extract Metals from Ores NOTE: The purpose of the work session is to provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the above item. The Commission may give direction to the Department, but will not be taking final action on the proposed rules at this work session. PUBLIC FORUM SESSION -- November 7, 1991 Smullin Center - Lecture Hall 2 (on the Rogue Valley Medical Center Campus) 2825 Barnett Road Medford, Oregon 7:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Commission on environmental issues and concerns not a part of the agenda for the meeting on Friday, November 8, 1991. Individual presentations will be limited to 5 minutes. The Commission has specifically invited comment from selected individuals, and will hear from these individuals first. The Commission may discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an exceptionally large number of speakers wish to appear. - Page 1 - REGULAR MEETING -- November 8, 1991 Smullin Center · Auditorium (on the Rogue Valley Medical Center Campus) 2825 Barnett Road Medford, Oregon 9:00 a.m. A. Approval of Minutes of the July 24-25, 1991, August 22, 1991, and September 18, 1991 EQC Meetings B. Director's Report (Oral Report) C. Commission Member Reports: (Oral Reports) - Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board D. Approval of Tax Credit Applications Rule Adoptions NOTE: Hearings have already been held on these Rule Adoption items; therefore any testimony received will be limited to comments on changes proposed by the Department in response to hearing testimony. The Commission also may choose to question interested parties present at the meeting. E. Proposed Adoption of Air Contaminant Discharge Permit Fee Rules Amendments F. Proposed Adoption of Rules to Increase the Vehicle Inspection Program Fees G. Proposed Adoption of Rules Relating to Waste Tires H. Proposed Adoption of Rules to Establish Program Administration and Compliance Fees for Oil Spill Prevention Act (SB 242) I. Proposed Adoption of New and Amended Industrial Rules to Address PM10 Air Quality Problems (New Industrial PM10 Emission Standard Rules and Other Related Housekeeping Rule Amendments) J. Proposed Adoption of New Rules Relating to Wood Stoves and Residential Wood Heating to Address PM10 Air Quality Problems K. Proposed Adoption of Open Burning Rule Amendments for the Rogue Basin Special Control Area L. Proposed Adoption of PM10 Control Strategy for the LaGrande Air Quality Nonattainment Area M. Proposed Adoption of Revised PM10 Control Strategy for Grants Pass N. Proposed Adoption of Revised PM10 Control Strategy for the Klamath Falls Air Quality Nonattainment Area 0. Proposed Adoption of Revised PM10 Control Strategy for the Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area P. Proposed Adoption of Revised PM10 Control Strategy for the Eugene/Springfield Area