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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:17 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 1-1991, f. & cert. ef. 2-11-91 environmental quality commission eqc minutes January 31, 1991 1/31/91 Meeting Date: February 1. 1991 Agenda Item: E Division: Water Quality Section: Groundwater SUBJECT: Request for Adoption of Rules to Establish a Method and Criteria for Setting Maximum Measurable Levels (MMLs) of Contaminants in Groundwater Work Session Item #3, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting "Status Report on Draft Rules/Guidelines for Gold Recovery Operations" Public Hearings on Proposed Groundwater Protection Rules: Methods and Criteria for Setting Maximum Measurable Levels for Contaminants in Groundwater. Agenda Item F, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting Review of Report to the Legislature on Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators. Agenda Item G, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting Review of Report to the Legislature on Status of Recycling Agenda Item H, Januar~-;9-;l~QC Meeting Review of Report to the Legislature on the Toxics Use Reduction and Hazardous Waste Reduction Program Agenda Item I, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting Review of Report to the Legislature on the Wastewater system Operator certification Program Agenda Item J, January 31, 199i EQC Meetirg Review of Report to the legislature on the Environmental Clearup Program Agenda Item K, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting Review of the 1990 Field Burning Report to the Legislature Phosphorus and Water Quality Recommendation on a statewide Phosphate Detergent Ban Legislative Information Agenda Item.#1, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting Background Review of Task Force Report to the 66th Legislative Assembly on Phosphorus and Water Quality, and Department Recommendation on a Statewide Phosphate Detergent Ban Work Session Item #3, January 31, 1991 EQC Meeting "Status Report on Draft Rules/Guidelines for Gold Recovery Operations