Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19901011 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:20 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes Eqc environmental quality commission minutes October 11, 1990 10/11/90 • 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - State of Oregon ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIAL WORK SESSION -- October 11; 1990 Room 110, Memorial Union Building Oregon State University Campus Corvallis, Oregon 1. Discussion of Hazard Ranking System 2. Update on the Development of the Comprehensive Air Fee Legislative Proposal " 3. Discussion of the Proposed Deputy Director Position The primary purpose of the work session is to provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the above iten1s. The Commission expects to have dinner together at O'Ca/lahan's, 1550 N. W. 9th Avenue, Corvallis, following this special work session. The next Commission meeting will be Friday, November 2, 1990, at DEQ offices in Portland, Oregon. There will be a brief work session at the same location on November 1, 1990. Copies of any written materials related to the agenda items are m•ailable by contacting the Director's Office of the Department of Environmental Quality, 811 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, telephone 229-5395, or roll-free 1-800-452-4011. Please specify the agenda item lerrer when requesting.