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EQC19891201 Minutes 1 of 2
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:23 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 31-1989 (Temp ), f. & cert. ef. 12-14-89 DEQ 33-1989, f. & cert. ef. 12-14-89 DEQ 29-1989 (Temp) , f. & cert. ef. 12-14-89 DEQ 34-1989, f. & cert. ef. 12-14-89 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 11/30/89 12/1/89 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. State of Oregon ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION AGENDA WORK SESSION -- November 30, 1989 Department of Environmental Quality Executive Building 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon Room 4A 1. Stage II Vapor Recovery: Portland Area 2. Water Quality Rule Amendments: Discussion of Options NOTE: The Co111niission n1ay choose to continue discussion of this iten1 at the Regular Meeting on Friday, Dece1nber 1, 1989, for pu11Joses of authorizing a public hearing 011 rule arnendnients. 3:00 p.m. - 3. Strategic Plan: Review of Revisions and Discussion of Next Steps NOTE: The purpose of the work session is to provide an opportunity for infonnal discussion of the above ite111s. The Conunission will not be 1naking decisions at the work session. REGULAR MEETING -- December 1, 1989 Department of Environmental Quality Executive Building 811 S. W. 6th Avenue Portland, Oregon Room 4A 8:30 a.m. Consent Items -- 8:30 a.m. NOTE: These routine ite1ns are usually acted on without public discussion. If any ite1n is of special interest to the Conunission or sufficient need for public co1n1nent is indicated, the Chainnan 111ay hold any itent- over for discussion. A. Minutes of the October 19-20, 1989, EQC work session and regular meeting. B. Civil Penalties Settlements C. Approval of Tax Credit Applications D. Commission Member Reports: Pacific Northwest Hazardous Waste Advisory Council (Hutchison) Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board (Sage) Strategic Planning (Wessinger) Public Forum This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Co1111nission on environ1nental issues and concerns not a part of the agenda for this meeting. The ComJnission may discontinue this fonun after a reasonable time if an exceptionally large number of speakers wish to appear. Action Items E. Financial Assurance for Solid Waste Sites: Proposed Temporary Rule F. City of Mt. Angel: Request for Waiver of Dilution Requirement [OAR 340-41-455 (l)(t)] G. State Revolving Loan Fund: Proposed Adoption of Temporary Rules to Address 1989 Legislative Amendments and Problems Encountered in Initial Program Implementation H. Plastics Tax Credits: Adoption of Temporary Rules to Implement 1989 Legislative Changes, and Authorization for Hearing on Permanent Rule Amendments I. City of Milwaukie: Appeal from Hearings Officer's Order Rule Adoptions NOTE: Hearings have already been held on these Rule Adoption iten1S; therefore any testbnony received will be lbnited to co1nments on changes proposed by the Depart1nent in response to hearing testbnony. The Co1nnlission also 1nay choose to question interested parties present at the meeting. J, Kraft Mill Regulations: Modifications to Correct Deficiencies, Add Opacity Standard for Recovery Boilers, Clarify Monitoring Requirements K. Storm Water Control: Proposed Adoption of Rules Requiring Permanent Water Quality Control Facilities for New Development in the Tualatin and Lake Oswego Subbasins (OAR 340-41-455 and 340-41-006) L. Hazardous Waste Fee Rules: Revision of Compliance Fees for Generators and Treatment Storage Disposal Facilities (TSDFs) M. Underground Storage Tank Program: Adoption of Annual Permit Fee N. Assessment Deferral Loan Program: Adoption of Interest Rate for 1989-91 Biennium Hearing Authorizations NOTE: Upon approval of these ite1ns, public rule 1naking hearings will be held in each case to receive public co1mnents. Following the hearings, the iteni will be retunied to the Co1nmission for consideration and final adoption of rules. 0. Pollution Control Tax Credits: Proposed Rule Amendments P. Woodstove Certification Program: Proposed Rule Modifications to Conform to New Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Requirements Q. Solid Waste Fees: Proposed Amendment of Fee Rules R. Enforcement Rules: Proposed Amendments to Clarify Rules Informational Items S. Periodic Report on Compliance with Air Pollution Control Requirements T. Pulp and Paper Mill Regulatory Issues: • Status of Individual Control Strategies (ICS's) and permit modifications for existing pulp and paper mills. • Review of options for securing current information on world-wide developments pertaining to pulp and paper mill processes and regulation. Consideration of modification of water quality standards to include sediment standards and standards for chlorinated organic compounds related to chlorine based pulp and paper mills. U. Status of Interstate Estuary Study for the Columbia River. Because of the uncertain length of titne needed, the Co1mnission 1nay deal with any itan at any tbne in the meeting except those set for a specific tbne. Anyone wishing to be heard on any itern not having a set tbne should anive at 8:30 a.in. to avoid 1nissing any iteni of interest. The next Comnzission n1eeting will be Friday, Janumy 12, 1990. There will be a short work session prior to this nieeting on the afternoon of Thursday, January 11, 1990. Copies of the staff reports on the agenda ite1ns are available by contacting the Director's Office of the Departlnent of Envirorunental Quality, 811 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, telephone 229-5395, or toll-ftee 1-800-452-4011. Please Jpecify the agenda ite1n letter when requesting.