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EQC19890721 Minutes 1 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:24 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 19-1989 (temp) f. & cert. ef. 7-31-89 (and corrected 8-3-89) Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 7/20/89 7/21/89 NOTE: OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION July 20, 1989 Nendel's Valencia Room 1550 N.W. Ninth Corvallis, Oregon The purpose of the work session is to provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the following items. The Commission will not be making decisions at the work session. 10:00 a.m. - Discussion of Significant New Waste Discharge to Columbia River - Proposed WTD Pulp Mill 10:45 a.m. - 2. Halsey Pulp Mill Expansion - Discussion NOTE: 1:00 p.m. The Commission will have lunch at noon in the San Miguel Room. 5:00 p.m. 3. FIELD TRIP: Pope & Talbot Pulp Mill, Halsey, Oregon OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION TENTATIVE AGENDA July 21, 1989 LaSells Steward Conference Center Oregon state University Campus 875 s.w. 26th Corvallis, Oregon 8:30 a.m. - consent Items These routine items are usually acted on without public discussion. If any item is of special interest to the Commission or sufficient need for public comment is indicated, the Chairman may hold any item over for discussion. A. Minutes of the June 2, 1989, EQC meeting EQC Agenda Page 2 July 20 and 21, 1989 B. Monthly Activity Reports for April and May, 1989 c. civil Penalties Settlements D. Tax Credits for Approval E. Commission member reports: Pacific Northwest Hazardous Waste Advisory Council (Hutchison) Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board (Sage) Strategic Planning (Wessinger) Public Forum This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Commission on environmental issues and concerns not a part of this scheduled meeting. The Commission may discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an exceptionally large number of speakers wish to appear. Fish and Wildlife Youth Commission - Presentation and Discussion Hearing Authorizations Request for authorization to conduct public rulemaking hearings on: F. New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and New National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) - Proposed Adoption of New Federal Rules G. Waste Tire Rules - Addition of Provisions Relating to Denial of Waste Tire Carrier Permits Rule Adoptions Public rulemaking hearings have already been held on the following rules proposed for adoption. Testimony will not be taken on these items. However, the Commission may choose to question interested parties present at the meeting. Request for adoption of: H. Leaking Underground storage Tanks - Numeric Soil Cleanup Levels for Motor Fuel and Heating Oil I. Bear Creek - Establishment of Total Maximum Daily Loads J. Tualatin Basin - Interim Stormwater Control Rules EQC Agenda Page 3 July 20 and 21, 1989 Action Items K. Hazardous Waste Fee Rules - Adoption of Temporary Rule to Continue Existing Fee Schedule, and Authorization for Hearing for Adoption as a Permanent Rule L. Approval of Significant New Waste Discharge to the Columbia River - Proposed WTD Pulp Mill at Port Westward Because of the uncertain length of time needed, the Commission may deal with any item at any time in the meeting except those set for a specific time. Anyone wishing to be heard on any item not having set time should arrive at 8:30 a.m. to avoid missing any item of interest. The next Commission meeting will be Friday, September 8, 1989. There will be a short work session prior to this meeting on the afternoon of Thursday, September 7, 1989. Copies of the staff reports on the agenda items are available by contacting the Director's Office of the Department of Environmental Quality, 811 s. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, telephone 229- 5301, or toll-free 1-800-452-4011. Please specify the agenda item letter when requesting.