Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19880429 AgendaItem.N. Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:26 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 9-1988, f. 5-19-88, cert. ef. 6-1-88 (and corrected 6-3-88) DEQ 10-1988, f. 5-19-88, cert. ef. 5-19-88 (and corrected 6-3-88) Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 3/29/88 Agenda Item N, April 29, 1988, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Rules Relating to Asbestos Control (OAR 340-33) and Amendments to the Hazardous Air Contaminant Rules for Asbestos (OAR 340-25-450 through -465) IN IHE MATTER OF ADOPTING NEW ) RUIES, AND AMENDING OAR CHAPTER 340; DIVISION 25