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EQC19881020 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:27 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 10/20/88 10/21/88 II AGENDA 11 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION RETREAT October 20-21, 1988 Flying M Ranch Thursday, October 20. 1988 10:30 12:00 1:00 3:15 3:30 Review of August 22-23 EQC Retreat Group Lunch Luncheon Speaker: Ed Whitelaw, Professor of Economics, University of Oregon, and President, ECO Northwest A Quality Environment Oregon's Greatest .Natural Resource Panel Presentation and Discussion Environmental Quality and Economic Development -- Partners or Rivals • Ed Whitelaw, Professor of Economics, University of Oregon, and President, ECO Northwest Dick Reiten, Director, Economic Development Department Break Panel Presentation and Discussion Water Management in Oregon The opportunities that coordination presents to develop a comprehensive quantity and quality management program in Oregon -Problems and Possibilities. Becky Kreag, Administrator Resource Management Division, Water Resources Department Bruce Andrews, Deputy Director, Department of Agriculture • Jim Brown, State Forester, Department of Forestry Jim Ross, Director, Department of Land Conservation and Development Rollie Rousseau, Deputy Director, Department of Fish and Wildlife Fred Hansen, Director, Department of Environmental. Quality 5:30 6:30 Dinner Point/Counter-point/Group discussion: DEO in the 1990's: Lessons of History and Prospects for the Future. Tom Donaca, Associated Oregon Industries • John Charles, Oregon Environmental Council Friday, October 21. 1988 7:30 8:30 10:30 12:00 1:00 2:30 Breakfast Strategic Planning Discussion Update on Developments Discussion of Concepts Development of a Schedule Opportunity for the Public and Interest Groups to express their views to the Commission on the future direction of Environmental Quality in Oregon; Participants should arrive and sign up before 10:30. Presentations will be limited to 5 minutes to allow time for a wide range of views to be expressed. Lunch Complete Discussions and Wrap-up Adjourn