Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19880429 Minutes 2 of 2
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:27 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 9-1988, f. 5-19-88, cert. ef. 6-1-88 (and corrected 6-3-88) DEQ 10-1988, f. 5-19-88, cert. ef. 5-19-88 (and corrected 6-3-88) DEQ 11-1988, f. & cert. ef. 5-19-88 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 4/29/88 Agenda Item N, April 29, 1988, EQC Meeting Proposed Adoption of Rules Relating to Asbestos Control (OAR 340-33) and Amendments to the Hazardous Air Contaminant Rules for Asbestos (OAR 340-25-450 through -465) Agenda Item 0, April 29, 1988, EQC Meeting Pronosed Adontion of Amendments to the Hazardous Waste Fee Rules, OAR 340, Divisions 102 and 105. Agenda Item 0, April 29, 1988, EQc Meeting Hearing Officer's Report on Proposed Amendments to the Hazardous Waste Fee Rules, OAR Chapter 340, Divisions 102 and 105, Agenda Item No. ~P~~• April 29, 1988, EQC Meeting Background Informational Report: Review of FY 89 State/EPA Agreement and Opportunity for Public Comment Agenda Item Q, April 29, 1988, EQC Meeting Request for Issuance of an Environmental Quality Conunission Compliance Order for the City of Brookings, Oregon. Agenda Item C, April 29, 1988, EQC Meeting TAX CREDIT APPLICATIONS