Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19870619 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:32 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes 6/19/87 MINUTES ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL APPROVED BY THE EQC ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Minutes of the Special Meeting June 19, 1987 811 s. w. sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon On June 19, 1987, at 1:30 p.m., a special telephone conference call of the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission convened. Present by conference call connection were Chairman James Petersen in Bend, Vice Chairman Arno Denecke in Salem, Commissioner Wallace Brill in Medford, Commissioner Sonia Buist in Portland, Commissioner Mary Bishop in Portland, and Assistant Attorney General David Ellis in Salem. Present in the Director's Office on the sixth floor of the Department of Environmental Quality office at 811 SW sixth Avenue in Portland, Oregon, were Director Fred Hansen, several members of the Department staff, a representative from Metro, and a number of citizens including attorneys representing the Ramsey Lake and Bacona Road community neighborhood organizations, waste Management Inc., and Tidewater Barge Lines. The purpose of the special conference telephone call was to finalize the content of the proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions and Order, regarding establishment of Bacona Road as a regional landfill site, as directed by the Commission at the June 12, 1987, meeting. Chairman Petersen noted that each Commissioner received a revised draft of the Findings of Fact and Order from the Department the previous day and a letter with suggested revisions from the Port of Portland. He also noted that Metro staff had proposed