Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19870612 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:32 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 6/12/87 MINUTES ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL APPROVED BY THE EQC ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Minutes of the Special Meeting June 12, 1987 Multnomah County Courthouse Room 602 Portland, Oregon ----------------------------------------------------------------- Commission Members Present: Chairman, James Petersen Vice-Chairman, Arno Denecke Mary Bishop Sonia Buist Wallace Brill Department of Environmental Quality Staff Present: NOTE: Director, Fred Hansen Assistant Attorney General, Michael Huston Assistant Attorney General, David Ellis Division Administrators and program staff members Staff reports presented at this meeting, which contain the Director's Recommendations, are on file in the Office of the Director, Department of Environmental Quality, 811 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204. Written material submitted at this meeting is made a part of this record and is on file at the above address. The principal purpose of this meeting was for the Commission to select a site and to order the establishment of a waste disposal site as authorized in Senate Bill 662. In addition, the Commission gave consideration to the proposed adoption of a temporary rule amending Solid Waste Permit application processing fees for large general-purpose domestic waste landfills. Although no public testimony was taken at this meeting, the EQC called upon interested persons to answer questions and to provide information. Agenda Item 1. Selection of and Order Establishing a Waste Disposal Site as Authorized in Senate Bill 662. Chairman Petersen opened the discussion by reading a statement on behalf of the Commission that provided an overview to the audience of the events leading up to their decision. He described what will happen after their decision is made, including the process for a contested case hearing. This statement is made a part of the record in this matter. Chairman Petersen also thanked the Department, the landfill siting staff, Director Hansen, the consultants, the citizen advisory committee, and the citizens and neighborhoods of the proposed landfill sites for all their views, concerns and efforts. In response to questions from Commissioners Bishop and Brill, Michael Huston, Assistant Attorney General, advised that the Commission could subsequently select the second site if, in the contested case hearing process, the first selected site was rejected. He also advised that the Commission could legally select two sites, and could hold a single contested case hearing covering both sites. Commissioner Buist read a prepared statement which is made a part of the record in this matter. She stated she was impressed with the thought that went into the development of the process for siting the landfill and how that process was followed. Although she had reservations about both sites, she believed both sites meet the requirements of SB 662. She stated there was never a clear front runner in her mind, but of the two sites, she would have to choose the Bacona Road site. Page 2