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EQC19820416 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:48 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 7-1982, F. & EF. 4-20-82 DEQ 9-1982, F. & EF. 6-16-82 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 4/16/82 9:00 am APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 9:05 am OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING CONSENT ITEMS April 16, 1982 14th Floor Conference Room Department of Environmental Quality 522 s. w. Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon AGENDA These routine items are usually acted on without public discussion. If any item is of special interest to the Commission or sufficient need for public comment is indicated, the Chairman may hold any item over for discussion. A. Minutes of the March 5, 1982, EQC meeting. B. Monthly Activity Report for February 1982. C. Tax Credits. D. PUBLIC FORUM This is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Commission on environmental issues and concerns not a part of this' scheduled meeting. The Commission may discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an exceptionally large number of speakers wish to appear. HEARING AUTHORIZATIONS Public testimony will be accepted on the advisability of scheduling a public hearing but not on the substance of the rule. Request for authorization to hold a public hearing on the Construction Grants Priority System and List for FY 83. APPROVED F. Request for authorization to hold a public hearing on proposed housekeeping amendments to the Motor Vehicle Emission Control Inspection Test Criteria, Methods and Standards, OAR 340-24-300 through 24-350. G. Request for authorization to hold a public hearing on proposed revisions to the State Air Quality Implementation Plan for: APPROVED (l)The Portland-Vancouver Interstate AQMA (Oregon Portion) regarding ozone control strategies; (2)The Portland-Vancouver Interstate AQMA (Oregon Portion) regarding carbon monoxide control strategies; and (3)Equipment burning salt-laden woodwaste from logs stored in salt water, OAR 340-21-020(2). EQC Agenda -2- April 16, 1982 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED ACTION AND INFOR.t'.ATIONAL ITEMS Public testimony will be accepted on the following except items for which a public hearing has previous been held. Testimony will not be taken on items marked with an asterisk (*). However, the Commission may choose to question interested parties present at the meeting. H. EQC review of primary aluminum plant regulations pursuant to OAR 340-25-265(5) and request for authorization to hold a public hearing on proposed revisions to OAR 340-25-265. I. Mazama Plywood Company, Sutherlin, request for extension of a variance from OAR 340-25-315(1) (b), Veneer Dryer Emission Limits. K. Request for variance from 340-25-315(1) (b),Veneer Dryer Emission Limits, for Champion International Corporation, Lebanon Plywood Division (steam-heated dryer 1 through 6) . L. Proposed adoption of amendments to Hazardous Waste Management Rule, OAR 340-63-125. eff. 7/1/84 Public hearing on question of extending date on prohibition of cesspools to serve new construction, OAR 340-71-335. APPROVED N. w/amendrnents Informational report: to protect visibility DEQ activities for meeting federal requirements in Class 1 areas. APPROVED O. City of Cottage Grove sewerage system improvement program. SET OVER P. to 6/11/82 Proposed adoption of Gravel-less Disposal Trench Alternative On-site Systems Rules, OAR 340-71-355 and OAR 340-73-060(2) (f). APPROVED APPROVED Q. Request by City of Portland to amend revenue bond purchase agreement (Item H, December 4, 1981, EQC agenda), including review and recommendations by bond counsel on the terms of agreement used by the Department. R. Request for concurrence: Purchase of Yamhill County Revenue Bonds for construction of sanitary landfill. WORK SESSION The Commission reserves this time, if needed, for further consideration of any item on the agenda. WITHDRAWN Because of the uncertain length of time needed, the Commission may deal with any item at any time in the meeting except those set for a specific time. Anyone wishing to be heard on an item not having a set time should arrive at 9:00 am to avoid missing any item of interest. The Commission will breakfast (7: 30 am) at the PoJc.,tf.a.vtd Mo.to/!. Ho;te.C, 1414 s. W. Sixth .'\.venue, Portland; and will lunch at DEQ Headquarters, 522 S. W. Fifth Avenue, Portland. OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION April 16, 1982 BREAKFAST AGENDA 1. Medford Clean Air Plans - status report 2. Pollution Control Bond Fund 3. Legislative process/concepts 4. Rock Mesa Kowalczyk O'Donnell Biles Young