Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19800815 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:56 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 8/15/80 OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING August 15, 1980 Conference Room 240 State Office Building 700 Southwest Emigrant Pendleton, Oregon ----------·-----··-------------------------·---------------------------------------··------------- 9:00 am 9:30 am A G E N D A CONSENT ITEMS Items on the consent agenda are considered routine and generally will be acted on without public discussion. If a particular item is of specific interest to a Commission member, or sufficient public interest for public comment is indicated, the Chairman may hold any item over for discussion. A. Minutes of the July 19, 1980 and July 29, 1980, Commission meetings. B. Monthly Activity Report for July, 1980. C. Tax Credit Applications. D. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing to consider adoption of rules to al low for issuance of general permits (water quality). F. Request for authorization to conduct a public hearing to consider amendments to administrative rules to include waste reduction rules (OAR 340-61-100 to 61-110). INFORMATIONAL ITEM G. Eastern Regional Manager Report. POSTPONED H. Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or· written presentation on any environmental topic of concern. If approp1·iate, the Department wi.11 respond to issues tn writing or at a subsequent meeting. The Commission reserves the right to ·discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an unduly large number of speakers wish to appear. /\CT I ON ITEMS --~·-------· The Co1nrnission may hear testimony on these items at the time designated, but may reserve action until the work session later in the meeting. !. Request for approval of recommended action on construction grants projects by-passed on FY 80 construction grants priority list. (l) City of Prineville (2) Roseburg Metro Project J. Request to reconsider noise variance granted to Bonneville Power Adm1nistration's Wren Substation, Benton County. EQC Agenda -2- August 15, 1980 K. Request for emergency rule actions in response to revenue shortfall. Variances: Consideration of Variances granted by Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority. L. Request for a variance from Lane Regio11al Air Pollution Authority Rules, Sections 32-101 and 32-035, for the Eugene Water and Electric Board to use coal as a supplemental fuel. M. Request for a variance extension from Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Rules, Title 22, Section 22-045(1), and Title 32, Section 32-005 (B), for Allis··Chalmers Company and Lane County, operators of the Lane County Resource Recovery Facility \~ORK SESSION The Commission reserves this time if needed to further consider proposed action on any item on the agenda. Because of the uncertain time span involved, the Commission reser·ves the right to deal with any item at any time in the meeting except those items with a designated time certain. Anyone wishing to be heard on an agenda item that doesn't have a designated time on the "'~9e11da should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they don't miss the t"~enda i tern.