Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19790608 Minutes 2 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:59 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 19-1979, f. & ef. 6-25-79 DEQ 21-1979, f. & ef. 7-2-79; Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 6/8/79 environmental quality commission meeting june 8, 1979 Agenda Item No. Bl, June 8, 1979, EQC Meeting Adoption of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies for the Portland-Vancouver AQMA as a Revision to the State Implementation Plan Hearing Report on May 4, 1979, hearing. "Proposed revisions to the State Air Quality Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Portland-Vancouver Interstate AQMA Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies." (OAR 340-20-047) PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE STATE "CLEAN AIR" ACT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SIP) FOR CARBON MONOXIDE AND OZONE CONTROL STRATEGIES IN THE PORTLAND AIR QUALITY MAINTENANCE AREA (AQMA) Statement of Melinda Renstrom on Behalf of Oregon Environmental Council Regarding the Portland P,ir Quality Maintenance A.rea Draft State Implementation Plan for Carbon Monoxide and Photochemical Oxidants Pro osed Revisions to the State Air ualit Plan for the Portlan -Vancouver Interstate Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING MSD'S PORTION OF THE OREGON CLEAN AIR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SIP REVISIONS, SECTIONS ) ) ) ) ) ORDINANCE NO. 79-71 Introduced by Transportation Committee 4.2 AND 4.3) WHEREAS, CONTROL STRATEGY FOR PORTLAND-VANCOUVER INTERSTATE AIR QUALITY MAINTENANCE AREA (AQMA) (Oregon Portion) STATE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN REVISION FOR OZONE Documentation of the Public Notice and Hearing for the Ozone State Implementation Plan Revision Adoption of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies for the City of Salem as a Revision to the State Implementation Plan Adoption of CO Control Strategies for the Eugene-Springfield Air Quality Maintenance Area as Revisions to the State Implementation Plan Adoption of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies for the Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area as Revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP)