Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19790608 Minutes 1 of 2


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:01:59 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 15-1979, f. & ef. 6-22-79 DEQ 17-1979, f. & ef. 6-22-79 DEQ 16-1979, F. & EF. 6-22-79 DEQ 18-1979, f. & ef. 6-22-79 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 6/8/79 8:00 AM SPECIAL ORegON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING June 8, 1979 Portland City Council Chambers City Hall 1220 Southwest Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon AGENDA A. PROPOSED RULE ADOPtions AS REVISIONS TO THE STATE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SIP) 1. Amendment of OAR 340-31-030 to relax the photochemical Oxidant Ambient Air Quality standard from .08 ppn to .12 ppn to be consistent with Federal standards. 2. Amendments to Volatile Organic Compounds Rules for non-attainment areas, (OAR 340-22-100 through 22-150) 3. New Rules for Special Permit Requirements for sources locating in or near non-attainment areas (proposed OAR 340-20-190 through 20-198) 4. New Rules to Prevent Significant Deterioration of Air Quality {proposed OAR 340-31-100) 5. New Rules pertaining to stack heights in air quality modeling (proposed OAR 340-31-110 thruogh 31-112) B. PROPOSED ADOPTION OF TRANSPORTATION CONTROL STRATEGIES AS REVISIONS TO THE SIP 1. Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies for the Portland-Vancouver Interstate AQMA 2. Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies for the City of Salem 3. Carbon Monoxide Control Strategy for the Eugene-Springfield AQMA 4. Proposed Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Control Strategies for the Medford-Ashland AQMA Because of the uncertain time span involved, the Commission reserves the right to deal with any item at any time in the meeting. Anyone wishing to be heard on an agenda item that doesn't have a designated time on the agenda should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they don't miss the agenda item.